Daily Updated Rates

PhaseFile Price In LacsWhom To CallRates Last Updated On
DHA Lahore Phase 5 M-Extension Files Prices UpdateFile Price In LacsLast Updated
5 Marla65 AZHAR ALI +92300849092204-Feb-25
10 Marla105AZHAR ALI +92300849092204-Feb-25
1 Kanal195AZHAR ALI +92300849092204-Feb-25
DHA Lahore Phase 6 Files Prices UpdateFile Price In LacsLast Updated
Commercial Affidavit (4 Marla)600AZHAR ALI +92300849092204-Feb-25
Commercial Affidavit (5 Marla)750AZHAR ALI +92300849092204-Feb-25
Commercial Affidavit (5 Marla)900AZHAR ALI +92300849092204-Feb-25
Commercial Affidavit (8 Marla)1200AZHAR ALI +92300849092204-Feb-25
Commercial Affidavit (12 Marla)2100AZHAR ALI +92300849092204-Feb-25
Commercial Affidavit (32 Marla)6400AZHAR ALI +92300849092204-Feb-25
DHA Phase7 Lahore Files Prices UpdateFile Price In LacsLast Updated
Affidavit (5 Marla)59AZHAR ALI +92300849092204-Feb-25
Allocation (5 Marla)51AZHAR ALI +92300849092204-Feb-25
Allocation NOC (7Marla)68AZHAR ALI +92300849092204-Feb-25
Allocation (10 Marla)CALLAZHAR ALI +92300849092204-Feb-25
Affidavit (1Kanal)N/AAZHAR ALI +92300849092204-Feb-25
Allocation (1Kanal)CALLAZHAR ALI +92300849092204-Feb-25
Commercial Affidavit (4 Marla)200AZHAR ALI +92300849092204-Feb-25
Commercial Allocation (4 Marla)185AZHAR ALI +92300849092204-Feb-25
DHA Lahore Phase8 Z Block IVY Files Prices UpdateFile Price In LacsLast Updated
Affidavit (5 Marla)50AZHAR ALI +92300849092204-Feb-25
Allocation (5 Marla)48AZHAR ALI +92300849092204-Feb-25
DHA Phase 8 Ex Parkview Lahore Files Prices UpdateFile Price In LacsLast Updated
Allocation (1 Kanal)285AZHAR ALI +92300849092204-Feb-25
DHA Phase9Town Lahore Files Prices UpdateFile Price In LacsLast Updated
Affidavit (5 Marla)70AZHAR ALI +92300849092204-Feb-25
Allocation (5 Marla)65 N/AAZHAR ALI +92300849092204-Feb-25
Affidavit (10 Marla)125AZHAR ALI +92300849092204-Feb-25
Commercial Affidavit (4 Marla)260AZHAR ALI +92300849092204-Feb-25
Commercial Allocation (4 Marla)N/AAZHAR ALI +92300849092204-Feb-25
DHA Phase 9 Prism Lahore Files Prices UpdateFile Price In LacsLast Updated
Affidavit (5 Marla)HARD TO FINDAZHAR ALI +92300849092204-Feb-25
Allocation (5 Marla)CALLAZHAR ALI +92300849092204-Feb-25
Affidavit (10 Marla)N/AAZHAR ALI +92300849092204-Feb-25
Allocation (10 Marla)CALLAZHAR ALI +92300849092204-Feb-25
Affidavit (1 Kanal)N/AAZHAR ALI +92300849092204-Feb-25
Allocation (1 Kanal)CALL FOR RATESAZHAR ALI +92300849092204-Feb-25
Commercial Affidavit (4 Marla)CALL FOR RATESAZHAR ALI +92300849092204-Feb-25
Commercial Allocation (4 Marla)CALL FOR RATESAZHAR ALI +92300849092204-Feb-25
DHA Phase10 Files Lahore Files Prices UpdateFile Price In LacsLast Updated
Affidavit (5 Marla)Call for RatesAZHAR ALI +92300849092204-Feb-25
Allocation (5 Marla)Call for RatesAZHAR ALI +92300849092204-Feb-25
Affidavit (8 Marla)Call for RatesAZHAR ALI +92300849092204-Feb-25
Allocation (8 Marla)Call for RatesAZHAR ALI +92300849092204-Feb-25
Affidavit (10 Marla)Call for RatesAZHAR ALI +92300849092204-Feb-25
Allocation (10 Marla)Call for RatesAZHAR ALI +92300849092204-Feb-25
Affidavit (1 Kanal)Call for RatesAZHAR ALI +92300849092204-Feb-25
Allocation (1 Kanal)Call for RatesAZHAR ALI +92300849092204-Feb-25
Affidavit (2 Kanal)Call for RatesAZHAR ALI +92300849092204-Feb-25
Commercial Affidavit (4 Marla)Call for RatesAZHAR ALI +92300849092204-Feb-25
DHA Rahbar Phase 11 Sector4 Files Prices UpdateFile Price In LacsLast Updated
Affidavit (5 Marla)41 N/AAZHAR ALI +92300849092204-Feb-25
Allocation (5 Marla)38AZHAR ALI +92300849092204-Feb-25
Commercial 4 Affidavit (4 Marla)RARE TO FINDAZHAR ALI +92300849092204-Feb-25
DHA Phase13 Lahore Files Prices UpdateFile Price In LacsLast Updated
5 Marla34.25JIBRAN ALI +92321841085704-Feb-25
10 Marla53.25JIBRAN ALI +92321841085704-Feb-25
1 Kanal85JIBRAN ALI +92321841085704-Feb-25
DHA Bahawalpur Files Prices UpdateFile Price In LacsLast Updated
Affidavit (10 Marla)28.15JIBRAN ALI +92321841085704-Feb-25
Allocation (10 Marla)N/AJIBRAN ALI +92321841085704-Feb-25
Affidavit (1 Kanal)44.50JIBRAN ALI +92321841085704-Feb-25
Allocatoin (1 Kanal)N/AJIBRAN ALI +92321841085704-Feb-25
Z Affidavit (1 Kanal)48.50JIBRAN ALI +92321841085704-Feb-25
Z Allocation (1 Kanal)40JIBRAN ALI +92321841085704-Feb-25
Z Commercial Affidavit (4 Marla)100JIBRAN ALI +92321841085704-Feb-25
Z Commercial Allocation (4 Marla)88JIBRAN ALI +92321841085704-Feb-25
DHA Gujranwala Files Prices UpdateFile Price In LacsLast Updated
Affidavit (05 Marla)N/AJIBRAN ALI +92321841085704-Feb-25
Allocation (05 Marla)26.50JIBRAN ALI +92321841085704-Feb-25
Affidavit (10 Marla)N/AJIBRAN ALI +92321841085704-Feb-25
Allocation (10 Marla)44.50JIBRAN ALI +92321841085704-Feb-25
Affidavit (1 Kanal)N/AJIBRAN ALI +92321841085704-Feb-25
Allocation (1 Kanal)71.25JIBRAN ALI +92321841085704-Feb-25
Affidavit (2 Kanal)N/AJIBRAN ALI +92321841085704-Feb-25
Allocation (2 Kanal)Call for RatesJIBRAN ALI +92321841085704-Feb-25
Allocation (4 Marla)Call for RatesJIBRAN ALI +92321841085704-Feb-25
DHA Quetta Cash Files Prices UpdateFile Price In LacsLast Updated
Barcode (1 Kanal)ON CALLJIBRAN ALI +92321841085704-Feb-25
Open Affidavit (1 Kanal)68JIBRAN ALI +92321841085704-Feb-25
Unsuccessful Allocation (1 Kanal)61JIBRAN ALI +92321841085704-Feb-25
Second Ballot Allocation (1 Kanal)62JIBRAN ALI +92321841085704-Feb-25
Barcode (5-Marla)ON CALLJIBRAN ALI +92321841085704-Feb-25
Barcode (10-Marla)38JIBRAN ALI +92321841085704-Feb-25
Early Bird Commercial (4 Marla)CALL FOR RATESJIBRAN ALI +92321841085704-Feb-25
Early Bird Commercial (8 Marla)CALL FOR RATESJIBRAN ALI +92321841085704-Feb-25
Early Bird Commercial (20 Marla)CALL FOR RATESJIBRAN ALI +92321841085704-Feb-25
State Life Phase 2 Lahore Files Prices UpdateFile Price In LacsLast Updated
7 MarlaON CALLJIBRAN ALI +92321841085704-Feb-25
14 MarlaON CALLJIBRAN ALI +92321841085704-Feb-25


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